Sunday, 5 May 2019

Album Review: L7 – Scatter the Rats

Scatter the Rats
[Blackheart Records]

It’s been 20 years since L7, the cultish Los Angeles collective, released their last album, Slap-Happy, but vocalist/guitarist Donita Sparks and friends haven’t struck the revolution off their to-do lists.
Scatter the Rats is a street-smart 11-floor elevator ride complete with leather fringe, mirror balls and a giant bag of cocaine.
Ballsy Sunset Strip sizzlers like the surfy “Burn Baby” and “Fighting the Crave” showcase marquee grooves and flash bomb riffs, while roadhouse ramblers “Prototype” and “Murky Water Cafe” betray a brittle frailty.

Shades of a newly made-over identity emerge on the sweetly suburban “Holding Pattern,” but domesticity is short-lived as they dive back into the gutter with “Cool About Easy” and revel in the grimy catcall of a title track.
Revving into high gear for “Ouija Board Lies” and “Garbage Truck” the jaded foursome summons a western-tinged punk rock momentum that will ultimately leave you passed out on your front lawn come morning.
If this anarcho-femme punk band goes down in history for one thing it will undoubtedly be their 1992 smash hit “Shit List,” but coincidentally Scatter The Rats continues with the perfect anthem for the modern #MeToo era.
By Christine Leonard
06th, May 2019

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